Prehab's Youth Athletic Training Program

Increase Your Competitive Advantage and Prepare for Athletic Scholarships

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About Our Youth Athletic Training Program

Prehab has the tools to help our elite athletes improve their speed and power; now available to you for a limited time! Learn the real secrets that will give you the competitive edge.

What You Get

effective. Affordable. Exceptional.

Based on your reaction time, agility, and movement quality, our Prehab specialists can objectively determine what it takes to bring YOUR performance to optimal level.

Start with an Athletic Assessment

The Fastest Growing Athletic Performance Clinic!

Identify strengths and weaknesses

Athletic assessment reveals an individual’s physical strengths and weaknesses that can be improved using a tailored training program

Track progress

Regular assessments help track progress, ensuring the training program is effective and goals are met

Reduce risk of injury

Assessment helps identify muscle imbalances, reducing the risk of injury and improving overall athletic performance

Frequently Asked Questions

We work with youth as young as eight years old. Because we are medically trained, we are knowledgeable about what can and should not be done in the gym and on the field. We teach a strong foundation for your child to grow and develop safely and effectively for top performance.

Athletic foundations are similar for all sports. In fact, when athletes are well-rounded, they can excel and move into any sport successfully. As well- they usually perform better at their chosen sport when they engage in a variety of movements from all sports. We work with youth in all sports: basketball, soccer, volleyball, skating, baseball, track & field, swimming, cycling to name a few.
It really depends on your goals. It’s good to start with a couple of months to get the basics. After you get started you can tailor the schedule according to your needs.

Prehab helps you attain your maximum potential. We find the hidden and untapped areas of strength, speed, agility, power and respiratory and neural fitness. We help you stay focused and injury-free which protects you from missing out on games, races and progress. Our combined program helps our athletes attain their goals effectively.

Our Team

Prehab is a specialized team assisting motivated individuals to correct and fuel their passion, right here in New York City. Working with youth athletes in NYC private and public schools across the tri-state area including: Buckley, Malloy, Riverdale, Trinity, Marymount, Dwight, Brearley, Dalton, Xavier and many more!







What Our Clients Have to Say

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