HSA / FSA Accepted

Coach Derrick Adkins

Why Rehab When You Can Prehab?®

Coach Derrick Adkins

Location: New York, NY

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1015953064

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derrick-adkins-a1b59310/

Email: [email protected]

Home Park / Track: The Armory Track & Field Center and Riverbank State Park Outdoor Track in Manhattan, NY

Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY

Places lived: Long Island, Atlanta, Manhattan

Language spoken: English

Favorite Running Spot: Van Cortlandt Park, New York, NY

Favorite Race: The Summer Olympic Games

Best known for: Winning the Olympic Gold Medal in the 400 meter hurdles at the 1996 Summer Games in Atlanta

Something most people don’t know about me: I earned a certificate in biomedical engineering from Georgia Tech to complement my bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1993. I have been applying the fundamentals of biomechanics to my own training and the training of the athletes I coach for many years.

Running sub-specialties: I privately coach youth and adults of all ages in sprinting and hurdling in the New York City area.

Message: Although I am an Olympic Gold Medalist and coach elite athletes,  I am not an elitist. I work with athletes at all levels and don’t see the elites as being more worthy than the novice. I am an admirer of those who have good character and training habits over titles and status. I am in agreement with the Prehab way of helping sprinters correct small angles in their technique in order to maximize power and efficiency as well as prevent injury.

Prehab's Coach Derrick Adkins
Love to work together

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