Did you know that you can tell what foot type you are just from looking at the bottoms of your shoes? Noticeable wear and tear on the outer heel and ball of the foot means you likely have a supinated foot. Inner heel and inner ball of the foot wear and tear on your shoes most likely means you have an overpronated foot. While both of these types are somewhat normal, it’s important to take note of what your tendencies are so you can choose a pair of running shoes that will appropriately support your feet while you’re running.
Prehab NYC’s Emily Yong chatted with Joseph Doviak from Fleet Feet NYC to talk about all things running shoes. As a runner, regardless of your experience level, going into running shoe stores can be intimidating and there are so many different kinds. Emily and Dr. Alex approach common running shoe problems and solutions from a medical perspective, and Joseph provides his deep knowledge of retail in the running industry. Be sure to contact us if you have suggestions for an upcoming ask the experts session! Huge thanks to Joseph and Fleet Feet NYC for so willingly sharing their expertise!