We recently realized the urgency to write about running form when we noticed two simultaneous developments:
1) increased interest in the topic and
2) increased misinformation and confusion around the topic.
Below is a recap of what our Prehab physical therapists and athletic trainers want you to know based on their experience supporting coaches, sprinters, distance runners and other athletes in performance training and injury prevention.
Running form is NOT the same as running mechanics
Running form is quite different from running mechanics however the two phrases are often used interchangeably. It can be confusing and if you are a serious runner, you will want to know the difference so you can make important decisions about your training.
While anyone can see your running form (a simple snapshot of your appearance while running, including posture and positioning of the body), you will need some decent technology and expertise to understand your running mechanics (the inter-connected movements of your entire anatomical system while running over time).
Running form is how you look in the moment. Running mechanics is related to how you feel and perform in the long-term.
Here’s what’s important: your running form might not look good, however it’s how your body processes your movement over time that truly determines your success. Mistakes are often made when runners make changes based on running form instead of running mechanics because of the lack of necessary information and usually not consulting an expert.
If you want to know what’s really going on and avoid early mistakes you need to understand running mechanics. It involves repetitive movement, sensory technology and includes exact measurements by a Running Specialist that cannot be seen by the naked eye and can be understood over time and in relation to the anatomical system.
Bottom-line: Don’t worry about running form. Go straight to mechanics. We believe that’s what all the folks who are talking about running form, really want to be talking about.
Customize your running.
There is NOT a single “correct” way to run.
Some of the talk about running form might lead you to believe that there is such a thing as the perfect running shape. While many of the elites do look similar and there are many suggested patterns for successful running, it is not a “one-size-fits-all” sport. For example, depending on your height and other measurements, your cadence might need to be adjusted from the standard recommendation.
You can consider the typical suggestions: Lean forward, elbows back, feet in alignment however don’t worry about a generic formula. But there are many variables that go into determining what’s best for your top performance and safety.
A running evaluation is what gives you the most comprehensive information about your running mechanics and how you can become a better runner.
Consider a Running Specialist for the most accurate assessment and faster results
Making changes to the way you run, safely and effectively, is quite technical and can take time. It’s impossible to control every single micro movement in your body when you run. Just the thought of it can be overwhelming. Instead, think about automated movements that don’t require concentrated thinking. How does this work? Running is a series of many automated movements that your brain has programmed. In order to make changes, you need to re-train your brain by performing repetitive drills customized to your goals. At a certain point, the repetition will lead to the corrected automated movements and you can move on to others, continuing the sequence to perfect your mechanics.
You need to make sure that your plan is thoughtful and effective or you may need to start over again. Running Specialists are medically trained to assess, interpret data and carefully customize the sequence of exercises and drills to progressively make permanent changes your body needs. A goal could be to relieve pain, gain alignment, strengthen certain muscles or tendons, prevent injury or improve efficiency. Whatever your goal is, your individual assessment, history and current status all contribute to the roadmap that you need to make positive change.
Don’t attempt to eyeball it or create easy fixes. Time wasted and injuries are costly. Get expertise and technology to assist you.
To summarize: Don’t worry about your running form. But pay attention to your running mechanics if you want to improve performance and prevent injury. In fact, evaluating your running mechanics is the single most important step for any runner who is serious about running.
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