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3 Easy Ways to End Knee Pain

Do’s and Don’ts of Knee Pain

Whether you’ve come looking for a better way to end nagging or even SEVERE knee pain, or you’re just looking for NEW ways to exercise and keep active that will NOT make your knee problems any worse, then this could be the most important message you will read this year.

Know this…Knee pain often starts as a tolerable but nagging, tooth ache like discomfort. But if left untreated, masked with painkillers, or a knee support is worn for ANY significant length of time, it’s not uncommon for knee pain to grow steadily WORSE over months and years until WALKING itself becomes difficult and distressing.

In the early stages, painkillers and anti-inflammatories given out by the GP will offer some relief. But short-term fix’s should NOT be confused with getting to the root cause of your complaint and stopping or slowing down what ever has gone wrong in the first place – and doing it NATURALLY.

What most people don’t know, is that there ARE things that can be done that will let you exercise and keep active, and that CAN be achieved WITHOUT any knee pain, swelling or stiffness, or fear of making things worse, at all. Painkillers, rest and knee supports are NOT the only option if you’re wanting to stop the daily torment of living with knee pain. Surgery or injections DON’T have to be either.

I know a much healthier way than that…

Here are a 3 specific ways below, but check out the link below for the FULL report.

  1. Avoid Sitting With Your Legs Bent For More Than 20 Minutes At A Time

There’s so much ‘gossip’ that surrounds knee pain. But this is FACT…you and I were not designed to sit. It goes against every basic, fundamental rule of the way we originally evolved as humans. When you sit at a desk or in a chair with your knees bent underneath, you’re stretching ligaments and muscles and placing your knee in a position that is unnatural – and it really wasn’t supposed to be in for very long. Limit the amount of time doing it and keep your knees straight whenever possible.

2. Be Selective Of Where You Walk

Most people don’t know it, but being selective of the surface that you walk on is another way to ease knee pain. For example, walking on hard, uneven and “gravelly” surfaces is going to make your knee pain worse. Contrast that with walking on grass or on the sand, and you’ll suffer LESS because the surface is so much softer and kinder to ALL your joints. Even walking on a treadmill is nicer and healthier than any hard concrete or pavement type surface.

3. RegularPilates

This is the 100 year old tradition that if you do regularly, can really transform your health. Pilates is joint number one on my list of the most important things that anyone can do to prevent knee pain.
And in case you were wondering, Pilates is a series of exercise designed to improve muscle tone and control. Understand that it’s the latter (control) that is often missing from lower back muscles and the root cause of most people’s knee pain and stiffness. So, by joining a class, or doing these exercises every day on your own at home, you’ll steadily increase your muscle control, and with it, slowly decrease your muscle tension and pain. We recommend all of our private patients to do these exercises and go so far as to create personal plans for each of them.

These are my 3 top tips for ending knee pain, however…

If Your Need Is Urgent, Call us to get immediate help. And get our full report now. (link below)

In No Less Than 11 Pages I’ll Show Any Person Who Wants To Keep Out Of Their GP’s Office AND has hopes of Staying Healthy And Active For Years To Come, All The Best Ways I Know How To End Knee Pain.
Yours Free From Specialist Physical Therapist Alex Gometz

FREE: The Special Report That Shows ANY Person In Their 40’s, 50’s or 60’s “TORMENTED” By Chronic Daily KNEE PAIN, How To Get Active AND Rediscover Pain Free Exercise Again Within Days (…All WITHOUT Taking Medication, The Need For Surgery OR Any Painful Injections)

Send me my free report now! Click here.

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